Blazon 4 is triggered by the same voltage which lights the normal signal lamps in the intercom system. Whenever any signal lamp button on any station in the same circuit is pressed, the Blazon 4 will be activated. The xenon lamp is permanently connected. Circuitry is provided to sustain the Blazon 4 for 4 seconds after being triggered. The xenon lamp has a flash rate of 2Hz, providing 8 flashes per cycle. The Blazon 4 is connected to the headset intercom system in the same manner as a belt pack. It has two 3-pin XLR connectors on the rear panel. By convention (to differentiate from microphone inputs) the female connector is designated as input. The male connector is provided for looping onwards to the next station in the system. Reversing these connections will not affect operation. Blazon 4 is powered by the intercom power supply and requires no batteries or other external power source. In its readymode it draws only 21.1mA; with the strobe active, 120mA. When calculat ing power supply requirements, you may consider the Blazon 4 as the approximate equivalent of 3 or 4 beltpacks.