Shure SLX-D Combo Systems (Handheld + Lav)
Shure SLXD124/85M Wireless Combo Mic System
Item # 47-SH0168
Shure SLX-D Lavalier + Bodypack Systems
Shure SLXD14 System (Beltpack + Receiver)
Item # 47-SH0175
Shure SLXD14D Dual System (2x Beltpack + Receiver)
Item # 47-SH0174
Shure SLXD14/93 Wireless Lav Mic System
Item # 47-SH0171
Shure SLXD14/85M Wireless Lav Mic System
Item # 47-SH0170
Shure SLXD14/SM35 Wireless Lav Mic System
Item # 47-SH0173
Shure SLXD14/98H Wireless Lav Mic System
Item # 47-SH0172
Shure SLXD14/153T Wireless Lav Mic System
Item # 47-SH0169
Shure SLX-D Handheld Systems
Shure SLXD24/SM58 Wireless Vocal Mic System
Item # 47-SH0183
Shure SLXD24/B58 Wireless Vocal Mic System
Item # 47-SH0180
Shure SLXD24/B87A Wireless Vocal Mic System
Item # 47-SH0181
Shure SLXD24/K8B Wireless Vocal Mic System
Item # 47-SH0182
Shure SLXD24D/SM58 Wireless Dual Vocal Mic Sys.
Item # 47-SH0185
Shure SLXD24D/B58 Wireless Dual Vocal Mic Sys.
Item # 47-SH0184
Shure SLXD4 Wireless Receiver
Item # 47-SH0186
Shure SLXD4D Dual Channel Wireless Receiver
Item # 47-SH0187
Shure SLXD1 Bodypack Transmitter
Item # 47-SH0188
Shure SLXD2/SM58 Handheld Transmitter (SM58)
Item # 47-SH0179
Shure SLXD2/B58 Handheld Transmitter (Beta 58)
Item # 47-SH0176
Shure SLXD2/B87A Handheld Transmitter (Beta 87A)
Item # 47-SH0177
Shure SLXD2/K8B Handheld Transmitter (KSM8)
Item # 47-SH0178
Most users do not need a license to operate a wireless microphone or intercom system. Nevertheless, operating a system without a license is subject to certain restrictions: the system may not cause harmful interference; it must operate at a low power level (not in excess of 50 milliwatts); and it has no protection from interference received from any other device. Purchasers should also be aware that the FCC is currently evaluating use of wireless microphone systems, and these rules are subject to change. For more information, call the FCC at 1-888-CALL-FCC (TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC) or visit the FCC’s wireless microphone website at